Amazing.. My fiRst PosT!!
WaHh..!! I'm sure thats your first comment when u see LENNY's BlOg!! Think most of you will be alarmed lor.. to be frank i think the lEnnY that you all know actuallie won't 'waste' time bloggin! Nevertheless i pRomIse i'll TrY to keep it updated!! opPs!
It'll a good place i can Pin doWn my thouGhts and feelings which i hoPe to share with EVEryONE!! Both for those who know me.. a chance to know be BEtTeR! thOSe who dunNoe me... er can Oso be cHance to get to KNOW me... =)
I've alot of thinGs to shAre now.. bUt dunnoe where to starT!! haha... But moSt importantly i wanna DedicaTe thIs site to share my chriStiAn FaiTH!! powerful teStimonys to ediFy all of us!! the reVelatiON of GoD's love in my life!! to realise it not juz in my HEAD but oso.. DEEP down in my heart i wanna experience it! =)
Hence... DeareST brothers and sisters..!!! I praY that this BLOG wouldn't be juz another ordinary fren's diary.. but somewhere you will feel encouraged!! somewhere you will feel God's amAZING Love!! it is not something freaky about religion again.. but its a RelationshIp witH GOD whEn JESUS demostrated the GREATEST act of love when He died on the cross 2006 years agO!! If He can work in my life... HE can woRk in yours too!!
LaSTly.. 5th paragraph.. Ending on the Number of grace.Frens..!! lets continue to be there for supporting and encouraging one another.. Edifyin each other with peace, love and joY!! staY tunE!! =)
It'll a good place i can Pin doWn my thouGhts and feelings which i hoPe to share with EVEryONE!! Both for those who know me.. a chance to know be BEtTeR! thOSe who dunNoe me... er can Oso be cHance to get to KNOW me... =)
I've alot of thinGs to shAre now.. bUt dunnoe where to starT!! haha... But moSt importantly i wanna DedicaTe thIs site to share my chriStiAn FaiTH!! powerful teStimonys to ediFy all of us!! the reVelatiON of GoD's love in my life!! to realise it not juz in my HEAD but oso.. DEEP down in my heart i wanna experience it! =)
Hence... DeareST brothers and sisters..!!! I praY that this BLOG wouldn't be juz another ordinary fren's diary.. but somewhere you will feel encouraged!! somewhere you will feel God's amAZING Love!! it is not something freaky about religion again.. but its a RelationshIp witH GOD whEn JESUS demostrated the GREATEST act of love when He died on the cross 2006 years agO!! If He can work in my life... HE can woRk in yours too!!
LaSTly.. 5th paragraph.. Ending on the Number of grace.Frens..!! lets continue to be there for supporting and encouraging one another.. Edifyin each other with peace, love and joY!! staY tunE!! =)
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