Monday, April 24, 2006

MusIc hoRx..! dun plae play

After 4 hours setting up this blOg finaLly managed to add an audio to the background...! Seriously wasn't as easy as i thought man... I started off askin Ck how to do it!! Cos he is a frequent BlOgger plUs he is equipped with all the C++ programming skills from library books!?! haha.. he said he only know how to attach 'mIdI' file! which explains the 'final fantasy' tune behind his blog.!
I felt midi is quite monotonous rite!! i wan at least MP3 lar.. tsk tsk... he said he duNnoe BUT gave me a brilliant solution... haha... guess wat.. he asked me to scruntinise Jer Hsuan's 'template' of his blog! if you're a NeWbie lyk me 4 hours ago..haha.. this template is like some cHUnk of computer commands.. won't understand unless you're good at it! i spent like hours scanning thru and searchin the NeT until around 0200hrs leh!! finally.. the bAckgroUnd song is up!! PRaise GOd for WisDom!! managed to get one of my favourite... hope you all like it... presenting
-Love Song For A Saviour-


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