Dedicated to 06 GUyz..!! =)
Running across AJ square
Sounds eaSY? More thaN that.. Have to run with sth on top of your head on a rainy day during common lunch.. Ranging from a plate from the muslim stall to the rubbish bin lid!! ReaLLie embaRaSsing.. EveryboDY will lyk Look lar.. tsk tsk...
FEAR Factor ****
Stealing EggS!!
FrOm the HoR fuN stAll..!! waHaHa.. cos they always DIspLAy there mah.. since the QUeue is quiTe long.. SomEtime hands do get 'ItChy'.. Tsk tSk.. i NevER sTeaL befoRe though...haha!
FEAR Factor **
Carrying the bags
Of ALL the 06/02 Guyx... and WAlk into AUdI via the MAIN door..!! the rest of the guys will always try to avoid this guy who is SaBO-ed.. hahaha... of Course Rite.. i'll be the FirSt to rUn awaY froM him.. OpPs
FEAR Factor ***
Drinking from a super LONG straw
The loSer will have to drink from 15-20 sTraws coMbined together!! so long that he has NO CHOIce but to driNk it with the cup on the fLoOR but standing on the table!! hahaha... realLIe FuNnie.. =)
FEAR Factor ***
Drinking YuCky JuIce
Haha.. This is SImple.. juz drink a mixture of soLiD and LIquiD stuffs Rite..? Normally will be AT LEAST a combination of celery juice + lotus juice + banana juice + a squashed century egg and ChIllY lar.. ConfIRm wanna Puke after that!!
FEAR Factor **
On onE occasion, the most memorable time to me was during the FaRewell AssEmbly.. was the day of our SchoOl before we embark on our study break for A'levels.. RaiNing heavIly!! our dare was to give Mdm He Lao SHi,our chinese TeaCher, this basketball we 'couPed' from Pe Dept i think..!! On it we wrote our msg for her.. cos we thought she was one of those PD Tutors who endured us the most!! hEnce she deserveD tt hONour!! =)
Lastly i must say thanks to to them (06/02 Guyx).. Jc life never be the same without you ALL.. yess ALL.. let me list tHem.. Samson the KIng.. Anthony.. Geyunn.. WeiHong.. Chester.. Ting Wei.. Daniel.. Ronald.. Wei Loong and Shu FenG the PilOt.!=) i Thank GoD for pLaCing each and evEryone of you in my lifE!! reallie.. i hoPe i Made a dIfFerence too!
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