MaN Of Faith..!! indeED..
I want to share a GreAT maN of FAITh and PRayEr that really bleSSeD is still BLeSsing me exceedingly..!! As i read through his biography i am cOnvINced i want to live a life lYk his... He is none other thaN GEorGe Muller (1805-1898) the preacher of GOd's Word and a pHilanthrOpist!!
Some accomPlishments of George's life throught simple faitH... Started 117 schOols which educated over 120,000 young people!! Circulated MILliOns of Scriptures and books..!! Received £1,500,000 in answer to prayer WIThOUT ever needing to ask for funds..!! 50,000 specific answers to prayer requests to God alone! Read the Bible through over 200 times, half of these times on his kNEes.! Greatest of all Muller's undertakings was the erection and maintenance of the 5 EnORmoUs orphanages at Bristol. He began with OnLY 50 cents in his pocket.!! In answer to PraYEr and WITHOUT making his needs known to HumAn Beings, relying completely on GoD as the PRoVider..!! He received the means necessary to erect these great buildings and to feed the orphans, more than 2000 of them, day by day for sixty years.!! These children NevERmissed a meal. A well known story indicatex....
One morning the plates and cups and bowls on the table were empty. There was no food in the larder, and no money to buy food. The children were standing waiting for their morning meal, when Mueller said, "Children, you know we must be in time for school." Lifting his hand he said, "Dear Father, we thank Thee for what Thou art going to give us to eat." There was a knock on the door. The baker stood there, and said, "Mr. Mueller, I couldn't sleep last night. Somehow I felt you didn't have bread for breakfast and the Lord wanted me to send you some. So I got up at 2 a.m. and baked some fresh bread, and have brought it." Mueller thanked the man. No sooner had this transpired when there was a second knock at the door. It was the milkman.!! He announced that his milk cart had broken down right in front of the Orphanage, and he would like to give the children his cans of fresh milk so he could empty his wagon and repair it. No wonder, years later, when Mueller was to travel the world as an evangelist, he would be heralded as "the man who gets things from God!" *eXcited*!!
No onE would ever thoUGht!! when George was YouNG.. He wandered very deep into SIN before he was brought to ChriST. George deceived his father about his spEndinG. He stole the government's money during his father's absence.!! Althought there were few solemn thoughts and desires to lead a better life came to him, but he continued to plunge DeePER and deEPer into sin. Lying, stealing, gambling, novel-reading, licentiousness, extravagance, and almost EVERY form of sin was indulged in by him. NO OnE would have imagined that the sinful youth would ever become eminent for his faith in God and for his power in prayer. His money was spent on sinful pleasures, and once he was reduced to such poverty that, in order to satisfy his hunger, he had to resort to stealing. He was even ImPrisoNeD before!!
So what maDe George Muller changed completely!!!??? Juz lyk many of us... He LONGED for ReST and peaCE to his TrouBled SPirIT, but he was ignorant on how it was to be obtained!! At age 20.. the turnIng PoinT came when.. he attended Church and became was DeEply interested and IMpressEd with what he saw and HEard!! He returned there several times, and not long after he accepted the LORD JESUS as his SAVIOUR.. The word of God became his JOY and DELIGHT, his old frens who were bad influence gave up hope on him, although RidiCUled and laughed at, George Muller bOldlY wITnesSed for CHirSt!! George began to enjoy the PEAce of God, which SuRpaSs ALL uNDerStanding. JoYfuLly he wrote to his father and brother, entreating them to seek the Lord, and telling them how happy he was. Thinking, that if THE WAY to happInesS were set before them, they would gladly embrace it.AmEn..=)
In his 93rd year, he went to be with the LoRd. Leaving £160 in his will. He gaVe hiS ALL to JesuS.. One of the greatest man of prayer.. If God Can use him.. God can use me too.!! Praise be To gOD..!! I pray that the life of George Muller would ToUch you supernaturally by the power of the HoLy spIrit!! =) find out more...
Some accomPlishments of George's life throught simple faitH... Started 117 schOols which educated over 120,000 young people!! Circulated MILliOns of Scriptures and books..!! Received £1,500,000 in answer to prayer WIThOUT ever needing to ask for funds..!! 50,000 specific answers to prayer requests to God alone! Read the Bible through over 200 times, half of these times on his kNEes.! Greatest of all Muller's undertakings was the erection and maintenance of the 5 EnORmoUs orphanages at Bristol. He began with OnLY 50 cents in his pocket.!! In answer to PraYEr and WITHOUT making his needs known to HumAn Beings, relying completely on GoD as the PRoVider..!! He received the means necessary to erect these great buildings and to feed the orphans, more than 2000 of them, day by day for sixty years.!! These children NevERmissed a meal. A well known story indicatex....
One morning the plates and cups and bowls on the table were empty. There was no food in the larder, and no money to buy food. The children were standing waiting for their morning meal, when Mueller said, "Children, you know we must be in time for school." Lifting his hand he said, "Dear Father, we thank Thee for what Thou art going to give us to eat." There was a knock on the door. The baker stood there, and said, "Mr. Mueller, I couldn't sleep last night. Somehow I felt you didn't have bread for breakfast and the Lord wanted me to send you some. So I got up at 2 a.m. and baked some fresh bread, and have brought it." Mueller thanked the man. No sooner had this transpired when there was a second knock at the door. It was the milkman.!! He announced that his milk cart had broken down right in front of the Orphanage, and he would like to give the children his cans of fresh milk so he could empty his wagon and repair it. No wonder, years later, when Mueller was to travel the world as an evangelist, he would be heralded as "the man who gets things from God!" *eXcited*!!
No onE would ever thoUGht!! when George was YouNG.. He wandered very deep into SIN before he was brought to ChriST. George deceived his father about his spEndinG. He stole the government's money during his father's absence.!! Althought there were few solemn thoughts and desires to lead a better life came to him, but he continued to plunge DeePER and deEPer into sin. Lying, stealing, gambling, novel-reading, licentiousness, extravagance, and almost EVERY form of sin was indulged in by him. NO OnE would have imagined that the sinful youth would ever become eminent for his faith in God and for his power in prayer. His money was spent on sinful pleasures, and once he was reduced to such poverty that, in order to satisfy his hunger, he had to resort to stealing. He was even ImPrisoNeD before!!
So what maDe George Muller changed completely!!!??? Juz lyk many of us... He LONGED for ReST and peaCE to his TrouBled SPirIT, but he was ignorant on how it was to be obtained!! At age 20.. the turnIng PoinT came when.. he attended Church and became was DeEply interested and IMpressEd with what he saw and HEard!! He returned there several times, and not long after he accepted the LORD JESUS as his SAVIOUR.. The word of God became his JOY and DELIGHT, his old frens who were bad influence gave up hope on him, although RidiCUled and laughed at, George Muller bOldlY wITnesSed for CHirSt!! George began to enjoy the PEAce of God, which SuRpaSs ALL uNDerStanding. JoYfuLly he wrote to his father and brother, entreating them to seek the Lord, and telling them how happy he was. Thinking, that if THE WAY to happInesS were set before them, they would gladly embrace it.AmEn..=)
In his 93rd year, he went to be with the LoRd. Leaving £160 in his will. He gaVe hiS ALL to JesuS.. One of the greatest man of prayer.. If God Can use him.. God can use me too.!! Praise be To gOD..!! I pray that the life of George Muller would ToUch you supernaturally by the power of the HoLy spIrit!! =) find out more...
I love George Muller!
His stuff has impacted me in such a deep way, I don’t think I even understand it. I have read most of his books and have been so encouraged by his personal walk with Jesus. He was something special.
I am a musician and GM has inspired many of my songs. I would be honored if you would check out my music on my site. All my music is free for download. Anyway, I just thought that I’d share.
“All my music is free for download.”
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