HillSong ConferEnce 06
I am sure most of you knew that i was in SydNEy for the past 10 days!! but not all of you knoW that i was there for HiLlsong Conference 06.. haha.. waTs HilLSong?!? its actuallie a vEry BIG chRistiAn chuRch there which organises an annual conference for every christian in the world to participate.. the conference last for 5 days! morning to night!! yesS!! sounds xiOng rite.. i've to agree.. tt was wat i THOUGHT at the beGiNniNg..!! was Soooo WRonG.. tsktsk.. but its toTalLie AMAZING.. let me shAre my thoughts and feelings kay? hOpe u all duN miND..! haha.. i reallIe praY that this entry will BleSs you and u'll feeL my BUrnING dEsiRe so StrONgly as i try to put them to woRds.. pRaISe GOD!!
The conFereNce was held in the Acer ARenA.. sth lyk the indoor stadium in SydnEy.. of course MucH biGger!! every night there were two rallies, 1630 and 1930hrs, by 2 different speakers. every ralLy was a different speaker.. coming from different parts of the world.. they're among the BEST teachers and PreacHErs of GoD's word in the WoRld.. realLie.. other than the WorD.. there was wORshIp by HILLSONG teaM.. the super FamoUs worshiP teaM which produce ALOT of CDs and songs.. where many churches in singapore use their songs durin worSHip. Not onLy hiLlsong.. there was alsO DElIrious.. another UK Christain Group. totaLLie awEsomE and FanTasTic. the preSence of God was simply so TanGiblE evErywhErE..!! everytime after the rally juz feel so enErGiseD and filled with the LOvE of GoD!!
The moSt impactfuL time of the ConferenCe, to me, was the last two days when this preacher, REINHARD BONNKE, delievered the word of God in sucH a MANIFIcenT manner.. Let me give you an intrO to hiM.. BonnKe is an evangelist! and his ministry is basically to spread the goOd nEws of the GOspeL worldWide.. Particularly AFRICA!! his cruSaDes is can BLOw our mINd.. let me tell you.. He preacheD to NOT less than 1 MILLION crowd at each crusade.. in juz 5 YeaRs of his miniStrY.. more than 41 MILLION souls were saved.. Lifes were tranSforeMED!! at his crusade.. the BLIND would SEE.. the LAME would WALK!!! MiraCulOus.. yeSs..! its not about BonNke but its about JESUS woRking thru him that reallie touChEd and transformed so many lifes!! PraiSe gOD in the Highest..!! thankfully i heard him on the last second night.. He preached and i tell you.. he was AmAziNg!! i left the AreNa can't stoP praiSing GoD!! and soOoOoo fuLl of Joy.. soOoo fuLl of lOve foR jEsUS!! if GoD can woRk thrU bOnNke.. i Believe HE can use me too.. praise GoD! eveN when i'm tyPinG now.. i feeL so eXcited to share with you all.. HrmMmm.... ChecK this lInk!!
Lastly.. i reaLLie thanK God for the opportunity to attend the coNferEnce that reallie changed me from the inSide oUt..!! i praY that we'll spUr each other on thru this RaCe!! its not the RAT RacE that the world is ruNniNg.. bUt FighT the GoOD fiGht of FAITh.. I beliEve that i'll go for hiLlSOng ConferencE 07!! tsk tsk... joIn me if u can makE it!! =) PraY that this enTrY will spUr you guys on.?? its MORE thAn juz LiviNG a normAL life but liviNg a LifE thAt is SOoOo fUll of JeSus.. BecaUSe HE is our saviour and HE SoOoOo love us that cos HIM to bLeEd for US!! Not that HE haD NO CHOICE.. but HE did it WILLINGLY.. yeeaaa.. soUnds veRy 'spIrituAl' hor.. haha.. not lyk the 'lenNy' u know rite.. pReCiSelY!! i thank gOd HE is tranSforMing me into likeness.. moUldiNG my CharaCter into wat HE wants it to me.. =)

PS: I din share anything about my tour around syDnEy..OPera House, George St and stuffs, haha.. SoRrIE.. coS i believE wat i have gotteN from the coNferenCe, experiencing the toUch and love of GoD, is SooOoOo muCh more IMpoRtanT that i dun wan anything else to 'roB' this entry of its focuS!! reallie.. =)
The conFereNce was held in the Acer ARenA.. sth lyk the indoor stadium in SydnEy.. of course MucH biGger!! every night there were two rallies, 1630 and 1930hrs, by 2 different speakers. every ralLy was a different speaker.. coming from different parts of the world.. they're among the BEST teachers and PreacHErs of GoD's word in the WoRld.. realLie.. other than the WorD.. there was wORshIp by HILLSONG teaM.. the super FamoUs worshiP teaM which produce ALOT of CDs and songs.. where many churches in singapore use their songs durin worSHip. Not onLy hiLlsong.. there was alsO DElIrious.. another UK Christain Group. totaLLie awEsomE and FanTasTic. the preSence of God was simply so TanGiblE evErywhErE..!! everytime after the rally juz feel so enErGiseD and filled with the LOvE of GoD!!
The moSt impactfuL time of the ConferenCe, to me, was the last two days when this preacher, REINHARD BONNKE, delievered the word of God in sucH a MANIFIcenT manner.. Let me give you an intrO to hiM.. BonnKe is an evangelist! and his ministry is basically to spread the goOd nEws of the GOspeL worldWide.. Particularly AFRICA!! his cruSaDes is can BLOw our mINd.. let me tell you.. He preacheD to NOT less than 1 MILLION crowd at each crusade.. in juz 5 YeaRs of his miniStrY.. more than 41 MILLION souls were saved.. Lifes were tranSforeMED!! at his crusade.. the BLIND would SEE.. the LAME would WALK!!! MiraCulOus.. yeSs..! its not about BonNke but its about JESUS woRking thru him that reallie touChEd and transformed so many lifes!! PraiSe gOD in the Highest..!! thankfully i heard him on the last second night.. He preached and i tell you.. he was AmAziNg!! i left the AreNa can't stoP praiSing GoD!! and soOoOoo fuLl of Joy.. soOoo fuLl of lOve foR jEsUS!! if GoD can woRk thrU bOnNke.. i Believe HE can use me too.. praise GoD! eveN when i'm tyPinG now.. i feeL so eXcited to share with you all.. HrmMmm.... ChecK this lInk!!
Lastly.. i reaLLie thanK God for the opportunity to attend the coNferEnce that reallie changed me from the inSide oUt..!! i praY that we'll spUr each other on thru this RaCe!! its not the RAT RacE that the world is ruNniNg.. bUt FighT the GoOD fiGht of FAITh.. I beliEve that i'll go for hiLlSOng ConferencE 07!! tsk tsk... joIn me if u can makE it!! =) PraY that this enTrY will spUr you guys on.?? its MORE thAn juz LiviNG a normAL life but liviNg a LifE thAt is SOoOo fUll of JeSus.. BecaUSe HE is our saviour and HE SoOoOo love us that cos HIM to bLeEd for US!! Not that HE haD NO CHOICE.. but HE did it WILLINGLY.. yeeaaa.. soUnds veRy 'spIrituAl' hor.. haha.. not lyk the 'lenNy' u know rite.. pReCiSelY!! i thank gOd HE is tranSforMing me into likeness.. moUldiNG my CharaCter into wat HE wants it to me.. =)

PS: I din share anything about my tour around syDnEy..OPera House, George St and stuffs, haha.. SoRrIE.. coS i believE wat i have gotteN from the coNferenCe, experiencing the toUch and love of GoD, is SooOoOo muCh more IMpoRtanT that i dun wan anything else to 'roB' this entry of its focuS!! reallie.. =)
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