Wednesday, May 03, 2006

PraYInG fOr TaiWan trIp!!

yEah..!! I am flying off to TaIWan Soon for the 22 daYs..!! I hOpe I will have a chance a update my bLog there leH.. As well as share with you guys wat gReat thINgs the lORd has dOne for me!! I believe I’ll be back WitH lots of testimonies to share!! AmEn..!! Although I’m looking forward for this trip.. I juz dun seem to have time to pack anythiNg leH.. only thing I’ve done is to change the MOnEy to NT… EveN then is not I change one!! Its my mum change for me..oPpss.. haha.. its okie lar.. theRe’s no hUrRy lar..!! even when everyone around me is lyk asking me wat to bring..!! I simply duNnoE!! Haha.. ONLY thing I know is tt I wanna bring my BIbLE!! reallIe.. =) and the presence of GoD always with me!!..

Actually not I dun wanna pack leh!! I am simply toO bUSy!! Hahaha.. no time to even renew my Sentosa Islander Pass.. thanks to cK for helping me to renew...!! You must be thinking wat I’m bUsy with rite.. tsk tsk.. for the whole of this week.. I got to work EVERynight until lyk 2359hrs!! for some tennis tournament… giving tuition on MONday (Labour Day) and WednesdaY (mUm’s birthday) which I haven Buy PreSent YeT!! ohHH NoOOOo… I went to highlight my hair todae.. OpPs.. duN ask me nice nOT!! See for yrself KaY!? Haha.. those hu dunnoe its actuallie my first time doin colour.. the ‘colour’ that I used to have is NATuRal!! Pls believe me.. waHahA… Plus since I slEep very late after work..TherefroRe its normal that I wake up late too OkAy!! Somemore Muz mEeT some frens before I leave for taIwan too..!! reallie buSy… THEN.. you muz be wondering y so busy yet got time to write BlOG!!!??? Haha.. sO contradicting rite… actUAllie NO.. cos I write my draft in Microsoft Word during my work at night… then go home and Post it online..!! SoOoOo… while I’m BUSY working.. I sTill wanNa Share with my readers..yoU gUYS.. about my life and GOd!!

For those who still duNnoe.. I am leaving on the 5th May Afternoon to 26th May…!! Goin to backpack whole of taIwaN!! eVen now.. I still dunnoe much details.. cos I am gonna be a follower!! yeaH.. my frens are planning!! Opps… haha..

LaStly aLlow me to saY a prayer online!! My first time leH.. I BelIeve GoD still LIstEns anD AnsweRs!! Can can!!?? FellOw bros and sisters in chrISt.. yOu all caN jUz say ‘AmEn’ on my tag BoaRD.. I’ll appreciate it!! =) here I go... AhEm..(CleArs ThRoAt)...

I tHank GoD for this great opportunity to be able to go OversEas with my cLose Frens.. I PraY that in every decision that we make.. Father You give us the SpiRit of wisdom to make the CoRrEct and godly decisions.. lEaD us by the sTiLl wateRs.. PeAce EvErywhEre we Go.. ThiNGs mIght Go WRoNG buT oUr trUSt and ConfIdence is ALWaYs onyou loRD... SUrelY you’re our GoOD SHepHerD that goes BEFORE us and maketH our waY prosperous..!! My CoNFidenCe is not on human strength Nor uNderstANding.. bUt I’m totally dependent on the GRaCE and FaVour of gOd… Let thEre not Be anY conflict among the BRothErs…!! gIve us thE passion for one another.. SpeaKing words of encouragement and KinDNess for one another…!! SucH that we can establish a friendship that grows from strength to strength, becoming a testimony of your goodness in our lifes.. EveN as we traveL to a place lyk TaIwan… I pray that you deliever US from temptations and EvIl… Your bLOoD of JEsUS be upon Us.. Yr hand of ProteCtiOn uphoLds Us… Yr aNGels
eNcaMP around Us..AlwAYs.. PRaISe God..!! As For our families back in SIngAporE.. father, you give theM the assUrancE that their sOns are SaFe in the LovINg Arms of God.. the CreaTor of HeAVen anD earth… wIlL surely watch over US… for we’re GoD’s BElOveD!!! AmEn.. =) *ExCItEd*


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