HeRe i GO...
FinalLy.. its time for me to reaLlie Go... i thInk i'll havE anY more posts before i leave for taIwan..!! in less thAn 12 hrs time?? tsk tsk.. yesss i've finally packed my bAg too!! surprising i din have much to bRIng!! i hoPE i diN leave out anything!! haha.. duN woRry RuTH.. i BroUght my BiBle and PAsSport!! two moSt iMportant things... i think the mOst woRriEd pErsoN would be My MuM..!! she's reaLlie veRy funnie nowadays... hEr joKes are imProving!! ALl HElp me to LoOk afTer her kaYx.. tsk tsk.. PraISe God!!

ThaNks foR ALL the weLl wiShes yeaa...=) i believe i'll havE a MerciFul anD EnjOyabLe jOURney by the GraCe of GoD!! SeEking opportunitieS to witness for GOD!! *eXciTeD* althOugh the laSt time i wEnt overseas wasn't reallie long aGo.. buT its oNlY the SecOnd time i goin oveRseas wiTh my fRens.. duN talK abOut OveRseaS TraINing lar.. tsk tsk.. The fiRst time was JaPAn eXchanGe during JC1.. that will be another whole new PosST over agaiN..!! i pRoMise!! haha...
Lastly althOugH i'll be somewherE faR for the nExt 22Days... somewhEre eVEN FURTHEr awaY fRom siaOWen.. haha.. i Pray that My frenS bacK in siNgapore wilL keeP uS in PrayEr!! ContiNue to spUr one anOther on towArds LOVE and GoOD dEeds.. DuN FOrget to VisiT my blog as i wiLl trY to post sTh in tAiwaN for you alL!! TrY okie!! tsk tsk... no promise for that!! haha... MeAnwhIle taKE care bros and sis..
LaSt WoRds...
NOW may the GOD of PEACE, who brought up our LORD JESUS from the deaD, that the GREAT SHEPHERD of the SheEP (me) through the BLOOD of the EVERLASTING COvenant, make you (me) CoMPletE in EVERy GoOD woRK to do HIS wIlL, workiNg in me that is wEll pleaSing to HiS sight, throuGh JeSuS cHRisT, to whom be GlORy foRevER and evER.AmEn. Hebrew 13:20-21
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