Here IN TaiWan...!!!
CurreNtly i'm in taiPeI, taiWan.. haha.. i think i promised to blog at least oNce rite.. tsk tsk.. sorrIe for taKin so Long.. realLie no time.. pluS no CoM!!! wahaha.. but NOw.. i maNage to squEeze oUt some time.!! yeaH.. i'Ve bEen in taIpeI for arOund 5 DaYs!! spEnt supEr alot of MOneY man.. jiaLat.. bought alot of clothes for myselF.. more thaN thaT i oso got buY presents!! for my family and some friends.. osO suPer alot MoNEy speNT!..its OkiE.. it's a priviLegE for me to BleSs theM whEn i go bAck.. neverthelEss i muz start 'rationing' my moNey!! haha...
tOok alot of pics man.. can't to show people bacK in siNgaPOre.. for thosE who're iNteRested.. i'll sureLy shOW u all yea..!! be patient!! comin back on the 26th MaY!! this fridae!! tsk tsk... oSo wanna thanKs peOple who've been keepin me in prayEr!! thanKs aloT!! appreciate it.. i can can alOt bLog that mucH!! not enUff foR more..!! haha... Be RighT BacK!! =)
tOok alot of pics man.. can't to show people bacK in siNgaPOre.. for thosE who're iNteRested.. i'll sureLy shOW u all yea..!! be patient!! comin back on the 26th MaY!! this fridae!! tsk tsk... oSo wanna thanKs peOple who've been keepin me in prayEr!! thanKs aloT!! appreciate it.. i can can alOt bLog that mucH!! not enUff foR more..!! haha... Be RighT BacK!! =)
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