Saturday, June 24, 2006

ExpEriEnce at EXpo...

yeapx.. BloGgin agaiN!! I wanna shAre about my woRk eXperience at ExpO!! if you dunnoe, i was workin for the IT ExhiBitIon held at exPo for the past four days!! Frankly speaking, it almost became the worSt job i had ever DonE.. yes.. worse than tele-marketing.. haha.. okok.. let me share...

The pay was realLie bAD..!! its lyk $5.50 per hour!! to the max right.. NvM.. i had to reach expo every morning at 0945 from SEmbAwaNG lor!! all the way until 1800hrs with ONLY half an hour lUNcH break in between lor..!! in addition to that i was one of the FOUR hu were SUAy enoUgh to become part of this Shuttle Bus 'bOiS'.. only FOUR of us were in charge of directing human traffic or sth... while my OTHER frens hu worked with me were detailed for other jobs lyk data entry and ushering!! they were told to wear black long sleeves, black pants and leather shoes.. while the Shuttle Bus boIs were told to come in poLo Tee, JEaNS and track ShoEs..!! i already felt some discriminatioN lor.. there were even tiMEs when the supErviSor forgot to tell us we could gO until we asked HeR ourselves.. can get reallie mAd man me..i was lyk 'ArGH!!!'

The FOUR of us were split into two groups.. wat we had to do was basically to direct ppl from the MRT Station to the various halls.. it wasn't juz directin lor.. we had to USE the LOUD HAILER!! thats lyk SOOoOoOOoOOooO embarrassing riTe.. the problem was nobody could hear us cos of the NoISe around yet when they saw US they LauGhed at us.. i was reallie pissed off.. there was once we didn't use the Loud Hailer for a period of time.. then the SUPERVISOR came over and asked us if we were supposed to use the loud Hailer... SaRcastiC rite!! anGry man...

sOoo throughout the four days i managed to switch partners and know all the shuttle buS bois.. it was on the second day that i got to know this indian Uncle.. we had a reallie goOd chat during our work.. realLIE.. He was lyk sharing his life story with me!! i was sad when i hear him.. He is lyk 42 years old already.. then he got retrenched Twice.. he is the BreaDwiNnEr of hiS family with a FamILy to raise.. one chILd!! and... he was doing the same part time as me.. soOo.. as i talked to him.. i had coMpassIon for him.. yea.. MonEy was no doubt reallie hard to earn for him.. buT as i see hiM.. he reallie leads a happie-go-luckY lIfe.. i kept complainin while i was workIn..!! oppss.. haha.. but He alWayS had a SmilE on hiS face.. =) I PRay thaT GoD will mOve MIghtily in hIs life..

anOTher PartNEr is a fren hu juz oRdEd.!! goin to uni tgt with me.. i worked with him for the last 2 days..!! we reallie had great fun playing those lame gamEs in order to pass time.. He is qUite HAnDsOMe too.. opps.. gAls.. dO yr Job.. haha.. we ToOk lots of Photos and VideOS... towards the end already so dun care if anyone was lOokIN!! haha.. we juz had fUN!! alThough it was tiriNG.. STanDINg there the WHOLE day except during Lunch.. we manage to share with one another our life story.. be it our LovE relationshiPs.. oppss.. or evEn our ArmY experiences.. we became SOoOoO gd frens that we even decided to meet up again..hahhaa...

All in alL.. although it was a lowly paid JOB.. i seriously beliEve GoD Put me there for a purpose!! i got to noe the people around me and use me to speak to them.. pRaISe goD for thaT... OnlY goD can Put us at the RighT place at the Right time..!! =) i could simply STOP working after the first day.. which i almost DID.. but i decided to sUBmit!! a principle GoD taught US.. hEnce.. the spIrit oF suBmiSsion allowed me to press on.. and.. i believe goD hAs used me one way or another.. =)

Saturday, June 17, 2006


Wah.. reallie too busY to Blog..!! sorrie Guys.. haha.. anYwae i'm EagEr to share wat I've experienced for my SheaRes ExpoSure Camp. It was a 4 days 3 night thing... Stayed at Sheares Hall.. was reallie suPer HappEning man.. everydae slept lyk only 5 hours.. sleep at 3am.. wake up at 8.30am.. woRsE than army lor.. at least got 7 hours of sleep.. but reallie wortH it.. hahaha.. I happen to be in the same group as Ck.. called CaPtaIN plaNet!!! haha.. cos the theme of the Camp was Superheros.. our group was lyk the most quiet group.. YeSs... surprising to most you i kNOW cos already got ck and me.. still lyk tt.. anywae for the first 2 days was reallie quiet.. the guys were ExtrEmEly uNited..!! the gals too.. but abit SHY lar hor.. we spoke at the same 'frequency' and laughed at the same lame jokes.. reallie funny... ThaNK GoD!!

OnE of the highlights of the caMp was.. the Secret Pal thingy.. whereby all of us are assigned a secret pal each.. mine was Tarzan and Jane.. so i won't noe hus Jane until the revelation night on the third day!! haha.. but on the second dae.. we will get to interact with one another.. blind folded at sentosa.. so.. there i went talkin happily to 'Jane'... NOT KNOWING tt she's actuallie a councillor!! KenNA FAKE!! hahaha... cos my REAL Jane was absent on the second day night.. all the while i was triCkEd man.. haha.. But on the third dae.. when THEY werE revealed.. i realised i'm Quite lUckY!!! haha.. cos ppl only got one SP.. i got TWO SPs.. that means two presents!! opps.. haha.. reallie fuNnie experienced...=)

On the LAst dae.. which was quite sad.. cos we had to part from one another.. some of my OG mates aren't stayin in Hall actuallie.. they juz come for fun.. we grew very close to one another especially after those late night suppers we had together.. Reallie thanK goD for that great coMpany of New Frens.. we may not have won many of our games.. may not cheer as loud as other groups.. BUT we know we did our BEsT!! and we never forget this GREAT experience.. hope to see CaPtaIn PlaNET soon.. =)

Saturday, June 03, 2006

LoSt bUt FoUnd...!!

AnOther BlOg hor.. thanks to HuIqiNg who reminded me!! hahaha.. No lar.. juz wanna ShaRe this GrEaT tesTImOny that the LoRd has doNe in my Life!! Last night.. i played tenNis at YiO Chu Kang with my dad... as usuaL i was there earlie to warM up...!! I went straight from town.. so my dad brought my shoe bag from home for me.. In the shoe bag.. got my aDiDas shOes, toweL and my aRmy SPecs..!! My dad caMe and i changed.. i warmed up, stretched on the floor and proceeded into the courT 5..! we booked 9 to 10 p.m .. in order to waste ANy TiMe.. at 8.55pm we'll strat to cheong iN..haha.. sO we PlayEd for the WHolE hOur one.. Dun WaSte time.. tsk tsk...

At 10 p.m when we walked out of the courts.. oH No!!! i realised where's my ShOE BAG!!!! its not with me.. nor my DaD!! then WHeRE issit!!!??? wa liao.. it's my FaVourite REEF slIpPErs from taiwan leh.. cannot muz find.. so i searched hIgH and Low.. when in and out of the CouRts.. after 10pm ALL the lIghTs were alreadY oFf!! can only ReLY on the MRT lights.. SIaN to the max.. the bench which i thot was where i left the ShOE bag and NOTHING.. siGh to the mAx.. Charged intO the bOoKing offICe.. theY oso saY NO lOst and fOUnD itEM!! plus my dad said.. "yIo chU kanG alot of theives.. oNly a paIr of slIppErs.. can alwaYS buY agaIN!!" ... SiGh.. VErY saDly i walKed back to the caR... OH NO!!!!!!!!!!! i RealISed i'm wearing the BlAck ArmY spEcs.. thEn wHeRe's my $500 oAkLey spEcs!! i put inside the SHoE BAG!!!! MaX out man..

TotaLLy devastateD!! i raN bacK to the courts... EVEN HIgHEr and LOweR i tried fiNding.. to no avAil.. reallie.. alMoSt can Cry.. all the FaV things inside the shoe bag man.. there's NoThing i can do.. while fiNding.. i muz ConfeSs.. i saying to my selF..'JESuS.. JeSuS.. JEsUS.. JEsUS.. there's HeLP in the NaME of JEsUS!!!' COnTiNUouSly i was proclaiMin that.. i reallie know there's NothIng else that i can DO but rely on the SuPerNaturaL gRacE of GOd that suRpasSes all KnoWledge.. the more i coNfess the mOre i felT the PeaCe of GoD.. SUPeR reluctanTly.. i walked back to the CAr where my DaD was.. He was very nice.. KepT calLing hiS frens.. bUt they juz never AnSwer hIs calls.. duNnoe why.. my dad is a CoAch. so he have lots of connections in YCk.. HoPefully that will hElp.. we tried to contacT one coaCh whoM we thought would have seen cos he was coaching nearest to the BENcH!! tried ant triEd.. i reallie diDn't waNt to gO hOme.. sUper saD man.. juz SAT by the KeRB.. BesiDe my caR.. i'm careless..

SuDdEnly a caLl camE..!! was the coaCh who me dad has been tryin to coNtaCt!!! he was coaching from 8 to 9 pm.. so he's the most likely person to have seen!! plus he always rest at the bencH after coaching one.. iNDEeD leh.. he said he saw a shoe bag on the bEncH and saFe keEp it in HiS sTorE!! praISe gOD man.. ImMEdiately i shoUTed for JoY.. relIEVed.. i smIled.. =) todae my dad took back my shoE bag and everything was InTacT.. my specs my slippers..!! =)

Muz be the WorK of GOd.. otherwise i would never have been able to get my things back.. thaNk gOd that my DaD is a CoaCh.. got frens around that can HelP.. iF i was juz another member of the publIc.. that's IT man.. GONE.. oakley and reef no more.. praise gOd for the Peace.. JeSuS.. my Present HeLP in tImE of NeEd.. =)