Saturday, December 30, 2006

KoReA 2006

I'm back from overseas again! haha.. praiSe GOD! for those hu din noe i actuallie went korea for a week plus over Xmas.! yeaps for a very WHITE xmas this time.. haha.. totallie awesome experience to see snow turning to iCe for the first time.. sorry lar i abit 'Sua Ku'. I went there with my parents, juz 3 of us excluding my bro. Thank goD for all the Quality time we had together! haha.. manage to reallie catch up with them and brought them to some roller coaster rides which FreaKEd them out.. wahaha..

LazY to write too much.. haha.. so basically i went to Seoul and Jeju via domestic flights. Climbed some mountains.. saw a crater.. Snow SkIng.. ThemE Park.. viSit some DaChangJin Site.. ate lots of Korean Kimchi.. experienced temperature of -8 dEGrEES!! wind temp of -15 deGrEes!! awesome!! i lyk cold weather one.. if possible i'll juz WeaR sHORTS! wahaha.. took over 300 plus photos... tell me if u wanna see them! =) dun reallie have much things to buy from korea leh.. so sorry if i never give u anything!! tsk tsk.. cos not i dun wanna buy but dun have anYtHInG to buy! haha.. plus very ExPEnsive too.. forgive me hor! haha..

Language is reallie a barrier there! simply cannot communicate properly! haha.. everytime enter a shop they'll greet us and i juz dunnoe how to react.. if say some english word oso scared might turn out to be a vulgar word in korean.. reallie.. it always happen.. trust me! haha.. nevertheless think i quite pro now liao.. next time can go there bag pack! wahaha..

However, when i reached singapore, my bag actuallie gone missing leh!! it wasn't on the conveyor belt which its suppose to be!! apparently i became quite panicky.. everyone began to leave happily.. then i realised my lagguage is lost!! haha.. immediately i noe jialat! but i always pretty calm lar.. i went to file a report at some office and they checked for me.. realised tt it was wrongly sent to some ulu place in cambodia!! haha.. can u imagine.. i'm in singapore and my bag in cambodia.. so they said they'll fly the bag back to singapore the next day and send to my house. indeed i got back my bag now and its intact.. praise goD!! =) very troublesome cos i left all my chargers in my bag.. so i couldn't charge my phone too.. went flat. =P

On the whole, the trip was superb!! dun mind goin again!! haha.. alot more things i experienced lar.. but i too lazy to type out.. a picture speaks a thousand words.. show u pic better! haha..

Sunday, December 17, 2006


It is the annuaL YF camp again! yeah.. too bad I attended 2 out of 4 days due to my other commitments such as hall training!! I waS trEmendOUslY BLeSsed man. the experience was AwEsome. I made a number of new frens and most importantly i had the opportunity to really Love PeOple. On Saturdae, the groups were actualLie sent to different HoMes to do communitY work! it is part of oUr LoVe oUtreaCH to peOplE not just around US but also those who're slightly more misfortunate and old. LOVe is indeed a decision and a CHoiCe that requires us to step out of our comfort zOnE. It is this act of LoVe tHat will reallie break down strongholds, barriers and bondages and set people free.

My group was assigned to BethANy NuRSing HomE. It was superb experience. A long time since i did 'community service'. When we went there, the old folks were all gathered in some Hall waiting for us! A service was held where there was singing of Carols and preaching of JeSus's Love. There're awkward times where we were required to go around shaking their hands and tell them some hokkien words.( can't rem wat was it...) It reallie touched me when i see the smile in their faces! Especially when the youths lyk us were singing hokkien songs. Although we didn't even know how to pronunce the words properly, I can see tt they felt loved. They clapped along and raised their hands worshipped JeSus. During the preaching, i was impressed by some of their faith, when they were asked questions lyk 'Who will deliver you from your troubles?'(in hokkien) ... some would shout 'Ia-SoH' means JeSuS. Totallie awesome. After everything, i had the chance to push some of them back to their respective wards. I tried to communicate with them as much as i could with my limited HokKien VoCab. not very fruitful but everytime i see the smile on their faces, every handshake tt went forth, my heart is strangely warmed... PraIse God. indeed more than words...

It was SatuRday night when we had our last night games or rather my first.. haha.. It was a ShAG gAMe.. had to carry this 'paralytic' all the way and find some 'doctors'.. was a fun game!! my group though we were the SMALLEst group we came in first for that game. TotaLLie awesome for me.. especially tt i juz came and 'helped' my group won.. as least contribute sth.. haha.. The people in my group were reallie funnie.. very enthusiastic throughout the game.. Everyone just wanna finish it together. there was just SO Much Love shaRed abroad in our hearts which i believe is a very good start for the younger ones cos i'm the second oldest in the group. Got to know each other better and was juz so memorable for my 2 days.! thanKS SImEoN!! =)

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

GoD's Love Makes me StroNG.

VeRy Busy... but i still wanna bLog!! haha.. Past 3 nights i was having my Drama rehearsal until very late!! until lyk 2300hrs. But then i believe its all woRth it!! hehe.. as long as i'm able to serve GoD and love His people.. i think its reallie a privilege!! =) For your information i'm not the main lead.. in case u all think i'm so talented.. wahaha... juz some 'caRe-leh-fare'..but at least get to say 4 lines.. HeEhee....

Then TodaE my cOuncil chalet committee met up at PoH's house. TotallIe awesome pEople, Joycelyn and clarence. I'm so blesSed to be abLE to wOrk wiTh them to plan this major event even after 3 years. I can feel their dedication to the work juz to see the chalet a success. Juz pray that the council won't disappoint us!! haha.. I won't disclose much of the programme to keep everyone in suspense regarding the exciting programme lined up.. hehe...

I was reading this passage of scripture and was pretty encouraged!! I wanna share with u all some thoughts.. tsk.. can rite..!! haha.. dun sae cannot. There was this famous person called DaViD in the bIble. I'm sure most of you have heard stories after stories about him. Then again as i was thinkin thru abt his life... i was more and more amazed.. totallie. You know.. David was juz some MEre shepherd boy. PlayIn his HARp in the midst of HiS sheeps, worshIp gOD in his own way. I believe he was absorbed in GoD's Love for him. SooN he became a LiOn kIller bear killer, GiaNT killer and finally, king over IsraeL.! Think abt it, no one on earth, no matter how strong he is, can come against a lion and prise open its mouth to snatch back his sheep which the lion had carried away, UNLESS God's anointing and protection is on him!! And this was indeed wat happened to David the shepherd boy who went after the lion, caought it by its beard, struck it and killed it, and thus delievered the lamb from its mouth( 1 Samuel 17:34-37)

"To KnOW the Love OF ChriST whICh passEs knowlegde; That you may be FiLLEd with ALL the FULLNESS of GoD" Ephesians 3:19

Beloved Frens, feeD on JesUS's love for you, u'll be filled with the fullness of GoD. Like DavID, God's anointed will begin to operate powerfully in your life. And when SpiRituaL LioNs come into your life, or even the devil himself - when he comes lyk a roaring lion agst you or your loved ones or your possessions - you'll GrAb hOld of his MouTh and Without DouBt teaR him apart!!! amen.

/* Things to Do */
/*1. Blk C Xmas party */
/*2. Church Xmas party */
/*3. Prep for overseas */
/*4. IHG training */
/*5. Church drama */
/*6. CHurch Youth Camp */
/*7. Council Chalet */

In JesUs i TruST, JeSus to all glORY. =)

Sunday, December 03, 2006


At LaSt i blOg?? haha.. nOooo at last i finsh my exAmS!! yeaH! it all ended todae.. feel lyk i can fly now. So its holidaes for me now..! even holidaes oso very bUsY man!! I got Council chalet to organise.. church drama.. church camp.. Blk C xmas event, plus goIn oversEaS!! sounds lyk an array of strings (cs110c)wahah.. busy to thE maX! nevertheless these are things i lyK to do! I can Do all thinG thRu ChRist hu strengthens me=)

So wat should i Blog about todaE? Actuallie i oso dunnoe!! haha.. I shall tHank GoD!! YeS.. I belieVE its HIm who have indeed brought me through these tough times!! It is His Grace that is more than sufficient!! During my semester 1, was reallie difficult to adapt to the system. VeRy competitive in NuS eNGine!! especially when many people dun stay in hall, they've nth else but sTUDY!!! yet i've commitments in hall. MeanwhILe luCky i got no GalFren! *hiNt HInT* wahaha... So i no choice but focus on study only.. sad rite!! wahah..

YeapZ.. UpdatEs about myself.. yeSss i'm stilL SINGLE.. SaD!! still as jovial and hAPpie!! stIll wanNA give GoD all the GloRy and thaT everY gOOD thing u see in my Life is from HIm and HIm alone! realLie.! no JOKe.! =) Thank GoD for the people around me.. Hall and chuRch who were always there to make me laugH and enJoy my jokes (i HOpE).. hahaha.. Oh yA!! tHank theM for toleratin alL my raCiSt and internatIOnaL jokEs..!! i Muz make it clear HErE.. I realLIE duN mean it!! PLus i've my lImIts too! I bELievE gOD made aLL of US and gave us diffErEnt colOUrs! He LOvEs everybodY equAlly and gaVe HiS Son not jUz for ChinEse but FoR iNDiaNS too!! and of COuRsE mALAYs!! It may be a revelation to maNY.. bUT beLIEve me. tsk.. AS GoD has loved me i love the people around me too =P

BroTher lOke oso Juz Got marriEd not long agO!! on the 111106! haha.. and i was the BEsT mAn!! tsk.. no choice actuallie!! was reallie fun. More than just the angbaos i got or the wedding i get to sit, I saw many many people that i've not seen for years! ALL of theM said i've changed so much! which i agree.. hopEfuLly its for the better!! better lar.. hahaha.. I even saw my primary school teacher who taught me and my EldEr brother maths!!! to the MAX!! she started her career teaching my brother's primary 1 maths! taught me also. and now she's retiring. time flies.. she's an awesome teacher.. y i love maths so much and in engine now.. maybe its cos of her teachin? maybe.. apparentky she did a great JoB.. hMmmm.. *i'm touched, i'm grateful* MaNy other aunties and mother loke's frens, i still remember them since young!! i'm SOoOOOoo happiee that they're all doin fiNe=) i PRAY that they'll alwayS be and coMe for my WeDDing too!! tsk.. cos i juz wanna share that haPPiE occasIOn with Them all. =) I wanna wish brother loke all the besT in his marriage and i'm reallie very happiE for him! Nevertheless i hope our BonD tgt with my sister-in-law will only grow stronger and stronger! GlORy to GoD in the HIgHEst. =)

I also changed my laptop! i sold away my old one to a malaysian!! I feel that i was reallie divine!! cos after a few days, he actuallie msg me and thank me for the great DeaL!! Not juz thaT he also enjoyed the HIllSOng songs in my computer!! totally awesome!! apparently he can't get them in malaysia. Praise God.. EVerything is made perfect in his timing!! ameN!.. i've juz bless malaysia indirectly! =) not i got myself a new macBook. very nice!! haha..

I feel lyk sharing a passage of scripture which reallie sums up the THING that pulled me thru my exams. can can?? haha.. FOr those still having exams i believe this will help! for those not... u'll remember me when yr exams come lor.! haha..

"It is VAIN for YoU to RIsE up EaRLY, to sit up LATE, to eat the breads of the sorrows; for so HE givEs HIS beloVED sleep." Psalms 127:2

This is so TrUe for the past 2 months when i was in hall muggin for my exams. I would sleep extremely late lyk 0300 and force myself up early juz to keep studyin. yess.. NONSTOP. ck can testify to that. to me every second counts. I believe when i see myself study from a thrid person point of view, i'll get freak out myself!!! cos i juz wanna do well and gIVe my Best!! reallie.. regardless what the result is, to the gLOrY of GoD!! I may sound quite 'spiritual' here.. but then..I osO learning.. I tHank GoD HE teaches me these things..Whenever exams come, wE ALwaYS forgET the FaCT that the bIblE says "UnlESS the LORD BUiLDs the HOuSe, They LAbOUr in Vain who build it; unless the LORD GuaRDs the City, the waTChmaN stAYs awAke in VaIN."Psalms 127:1. You see, GoD is the ONE who builds my studies and He watches over mE. He is the one who will give Me wisdom for studyin.. understanding for our books. I'm NOT the OnE!! We are such doers and performers, that it is very hard for us to let go and Let GOD take over. But when we actuallie cast our cares, anxieties, worries and concerns once and for all into HIs HanDs, we will see how He CARES for Us aFfectiOnately and WaTChfully( 1 PEter 5:7). He will GlaDLy take care of our problems and work things out for OUR good.. SImply cos He loves US. I'm also on this journey.. learning to trust on the FatHEr's love for me that nEvEr leT me down. and HE will NEvEr will. =) praISe JesuS.