SheaRite nOw..
Made ALot of new frens in hall!! all very fun ppl.. seniors and freashies.. likeminded ppl who reallie clicked well with me!! praISe goD!! hee.. everynight supper!! play games.. meetings.. dun eVen havE time to fiND galfren lar!! wahaha.. oHh.. i'm still single btw.. all those ruMOurs u hear arhx.. dun Let me Noe hu spread one..OTHERWISE.. aHEM.. haha... i can VERIFY right here.. now.. tsk! GREEN LIGHT.. applications opEN.. walK-in interview.. Jk JK.. =P
On a more serious Note.. I wanNA thank GoD for pulling me through my past 3 weeks. Firstly, i have been trainin for almost all the sports cos i enthu join all! these sports include.. TRaCk, BadmiNton, Sepak TekRaw, Volleyball, Soccer, Road relay and so ON!! eveN weEKENDS oso got this Inter Block Competition (IBG). Plus i had my New Blance ReAL RUN and ARMY HALF MARathOn for the last two sundays. Not juz did i ran and not stop.. i thought i did pretty well too!! better than i expected.. lyk got top 10% for both..?? MUZ be GOD!! reallie.. cos i never train plus got injury for SEpAk tekraw.. but on that dae i juz seem to have strength to run after i pRAYED=) HIS strength is made perfECT in my weakness.!! GlorY to goD!!
Then there has BEEn this EpiDemic goin around in my hAll!! alot of ppl got infected with this virus, COnJUnctiviTis!! its a sore eye thingy.. not juz eyes red leh.. heard it was very painfuL too.. lyk needles pokin? i dunnoe.. I reallie believe got KEpT me safE for this!! my whole level from my block got it!! probable cos of the common toilet and lounge that we use!! 12 out of 15 ppl got iT!! very serious.. but miraculously i'm SAFE!! though i got rub my eyes and stuffs.. i believe HIS hand of PRotecTion was upOn me.. hence i'm not ashaME of JESUS's name cos is hIM who reallie protected me by HiS grace.. Soo lets cOntinue to come against thIS vIRus!! and pray that those Infected will be HEAleD.
Yeapx.. I will try to update as frequently as possible.. meaNWhile.. continUE to keep IN toUch!! TaG wHenevEr u visit my block!! meeT up with Me if YOU've time.. cos i reallie wanna catch up with MANY MAny ppl.. PraY that even as UNi life begIns.. u won't be caught up with this RAT raCe of the worLD but alwAys havIn time to enjoy the great coMpanY of fRens aroUnd.. eNjoY thE loVe of GoD and your famIly. AmEN!!